Creat title and subtitle for your own e-book
Creat title and subtitle for your own e-book

Creat title and subtitle for your own e-book
After finding your niche, your niche step is to create a title and subtitle if you are pursuing the nonfiction category. The title should ideally be identical to your main keyword, as this increases the book’s ranking tremendously. If your book is about parenting teens, just have “Parenting teens” as the title instead of having fancy words like the “ultimate guide to parenting teens.” The first title will rank higher than the second so make sure not to overlook that. Separate the title and subtitle using a comma then you can have your fancy words within the subtitle to lay out what the reader should expect from the book.
As you create the subtitle, make sure your topic stands out. Don’t just say “How to make your marriage work”-there are several books with that title already. You can get creative with this. Use things like: “Change your spouse in 30 days”. Even if the content is about how to make your marriage work, most people are looking for ways and tips to help them change their spouses and turn them into the angel they desire. Such sensational topics are more likely to bring in the massive traffic.
Write the book or get it written
If you know how to write, I don’t have to explain to you how to write a great book. But if you have zero knowledge on how to write great books that sell on KDP, it is best to outsource the writing work to those who know so that at least you can learn from whatever they write. You can then model your other books based on that if you have at least some skills on writing books. You can outsource the work to the companies I mentioned above:,,,,,,,, etc.
Design the cover
Covers are everything for books on Amazon. In fact, people judge books by their covers on Amazon. As such, you cannot afford to have a lousy book cover. If you are not a professional, get a professionally done book cover on,, etc.
This one is pretty straightforward; just follow the prompts on KDP or watch this video or follow the write up below: